Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gameday in Pictures

Looking at pictures takes a lot less effort than reading a thousand words of analysis.*

First, the entire game would have been different if Michael Floyd's touchdown had been allowed. The South Bend Tribune's Marcus Marter got this photo of proof: (click any photo for bigger version)

The other big TD catch, one that was ruled a catch, was Golden Tate's fourth-quarter go-ahead grab. From our seats in the south end zone, we couldn't see this:

photo by Matt Cashore, the official University of Notre Dame photographer.

A better view is this:

photo by Rod Sanford of the Lansing State Journal. I love the "oh shit" look on the kid between the ref's head and Tate's hip.

A far better perspective is provided by MSPaint Like a Champion Today:

Thanks to the Blue Gray Sky, where I found all these images.

* -- I just did an MS Word word count. It's closer to 1,500 words. So I understand if you didn't read it all. I had a lot to say.

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